Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First response to our backpacks!!!

YEAH! I was so excited to get this email...

Dear Dr. Deb,

My name is Lauryn, i am 9 years old and live in pleasant grove Alabama.

Me and my brother are enjoying the materials in the backpacks.

You and others who helped out are very well appreciated.

Thank you for everything.

Love, Lauryn

I am so happy to hear from a child who received one of the bags. I hope more will write and post.

Thank you to all who helped.


Concord Elementary School

It started to rain just as Ray and I pulled into the parking lot at Concord. So, not many photos here. We delivered 50 Vacation Back Packs to Principal David Foster.

Stop by the Concord Elementary School and ask for a bag from Dr. Deb. Mr. Foster or the secretary will give you one.

Please let us know what you think! We'd love to hear from you at the blog or through email.

Notes received through email will be posted on the blog without children's last names.


Dr. Deb

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Delivering the Back Packs to Pleasant Grove Elementary School

Hello Pleasant Grove Elementary School!

It's GREAT to be back.

We had a nice talk with Mr. Jacks, and we all unloaded 50 back packs for kids effected by the tornado.

Stop by the school and ask for one of Dr. Deb's Vacation Back Packs.

Each is loaded with:
a jump rope, jacks, dominoes, a word game, a deck of cards, construction paper, scissors, a glue stick, colored pencils, a journal, a ball, play dough, bubbles, pencils, and a pencil sharpener.

There's a note telling about the backpacks, and my email and the BLOG address.

PLEASE write to tell us how you are enjoying the bags.


Dr. Deb and Friends

Back in Pleasant Grove, AL

We arrived safely in Birmingham, staying with our friends, Glenn and Mary.

First thing in the morning, we drove to Pleasant Grove. Since my husband, Ray, had not been with me when I was here in May, I took him for a drive through the neighborhoods, so he could understand the severity of the tornado.

He was saddened and amazed at the damage. I explained how things were two months before, and how much progress has been made since then.

The destruction again struck me as surreal - something out of Hollywood, and not real life. Unfortunately, this IS real life, and it is a horrible situation.

But, I was encouraged by all the progress I can see in cleaning up, and wonderful people like Tonia, who posts on Facebook, at the Pleasant Grove, AL Tornado Updates. She has provided such helpful information to those concerned with the area. Thank you, Tonia, for all you are doing.

There are so many good people helping. It gives me faith in the human spirit.

Hugs to Pleasant Grove and Concord.

Dr. Deb

On the Road Again...

Sunday drive... 834 miles = 14 hours and 16 minutes, according to Google Maps.

Ray and I are ready to go. It took us 3 hours to pack the car with 184 Vacation Back Packs for the kids in Pleasant Grove, Concord, and Hackelberg, Alabama.

You can get a bag at the Concord and Pleasant Grove Elementary Schools.

THANK YOU to all who helped make these bags possible, including my husband who believed I could actually pull this off.

Young Friends, Can you see the route we took to get the backpacks from Maryland to you, in Alabama?

Please write to us ( or post here to tell us how you are enjoying the materials in the backpacks. We would love to hear from you! Take photos of your writing, art work, games, to share with us, too, if you can.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Dr. Deb

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Everything is PACKED


We'll be on the road Sunday... Will begin to make arrangements to deliver these to kids on Tues. June 28, Wed. June 29, and Thurs. June 30. Look to Face Book (Pleasant-Grove-Al-Tornado-Updates) and this Blog for details.

If anyone from Pleasant Grove Elementary or Concord Elementary Schools see this, please contact me ASAP so I can get bags to you.
